Baptism &
Child Dedication

 Baptism FAQ

What is Water Baptism?

Water baptism was practiced by John the Baptist and continued by Jesus Christ. When a person was immersed in water, it showed that he or she had repented of his or her sins (their wrong and hurtful way of living) and were accepting a new life of following Christ. Going under the water is a picture of the old life being buried - the coming out of the water, a new life in Christ. Jesus commanded his disciples to continue baptizing the people after he returned to Heaven. He said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..." Matthew 28:10 

Who Should Be Baptized?

Everyone who has made a decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Jesus connected believing in Him and water baptism when He said, "Whoever believes in me and is baptized will be saved."  Mark 16:16 (NIV)

Do You Have to be Baptized to be Saved?

No. The Bible tells us "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."  Ephesians 2:8, 9 (NIV)
If we believe that it is our act of being baptized that causes God to forgive us, then we have missed the point.  Salvation is a gift from God.  It comes to us because Jesus Christ took our place and was judged for our sins so that we wouldn't have to be. Baptism is simply the public acknowledgment that we have accepted His gift.  The Bible shows us that after people believed, they were baptized:

"When they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women."  Acts 8:12 (NIV)

“The Ethiopian asked Philip, ‘Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?’ Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the Ethiopian said, ‘Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?’ Then they went into the water and Philip baptized him.”  Acts 8:34-38.

May I Choose Who Baptizes Me?

According to Matthew 28:19, Jesus gave all His disciples the command to baptize someone who has made a decision to follow Christ. We invite you to have the person who led you to Christ or someone who encouraged you along the way baptize you. Also, GVCC staff and pastors are all present during Baptism.

Should I be immersed or sprinkled with water?

The word baptism comes from a word that means to immerse or submerse in water. At GVCC, we practice baptism by immersion. We can baptize by sprinkling with water upon request. 

When is a person old enough to be baptized?

We suggest parents with a child under the age of 8 dedicate their child (see Child Dedication below). For children 8 and older, a parent or guardian should sit down with his or her child to discuss baptism. The child can be baptized if he or she loves Jesus and shows an independent desire to follow Him. 

What are the first steps for getting Baptized at Green Valley?

For more information, contact
Check out the next Baptism on our
Registration Page.

Child Dedication FAQ

Being a parent is one of the greatest joys in life, but also one of the most challenging. Do you ever wonder, “Am I doing this whole parenting thing right?” Or maybe you feel like you have to do it all on your own. We have good news for you.  You don’t have to parent alone. Child dedication is an opportunity to commit to raising your child “in the way they should go” (Prov. 22:6) alongside your church family.

Why Child Dedication?

Dedication is a way of demonstrating your decision to raise your kids knowing who Jesus is.  Deuteronomy 6:4-7 NIV says:

Hear, O Israel: The Lᴏʀᴅ our God, the Lᴏʀᴅ is one. Love the Lᴏʀᴅ your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

When we love God with everything in us, and we choose to model that for our kids our example will be far more powerful than our words. We get to teach our kids what it looks like to follow Jesus. 

Does dedicating my kids make them a Christian? 

Child dedication is a great step for your family, but it’s not the same thing as salvation. Salvation is what happens when your child decides to start a relationship with God. The next step after salvation is a decision to go public with their faith through the act of water baptism. When you dedicate your child, you’re committing to raise them in an environment where they hear about Jesus and have an opportunity to accept Him. It’s a great practice, but it is optional. 

What’s the big deal about child dedication?

When you dedicate your child is a spiritually significant milestone for your whole family. You’re choosing to make some parenting decisions that honor God, like finding trusted relationships by taking advantage of connection opportunities, modeling what it looks like to belong to a church family serving, and pursuing opportunities to grow in your walk with Jesus. This isn’t about adding more things to your calendar, making your parenting load heavier. It is actually about lightening the load as you commit to do these things together with the church family. 

When can you dedicate your child? 

The age doesn’t matter as much as the principle. You can dedicate your child whether they’re three days old or 13 years old. Child dedication is an important step in your family’s faith life because it’s setting a foundation that your family will be known for following Christ. So, consider choosing a family verse, picking family values, or finding friends that will help you grow in these values and become the people God has called you to be. 

Parenting doesn’t have to be overwhelming and you don’t have to do it alone. Green Valley is here to support you, and walk alongside you as we train up our children in the way of Jesus TOGETHER. 

Contact for more information
Check out the next Child Dedication on our
Registration Page.